Success in this model of schooling requires a serious commitment of time and effort from both parent and student. Our tutorial does not work like a school. YOU (the parent) are the home school teacher. Our tutorial academy enables you to enlist the help of a tutor. Your role requires that you commit to work with your student to accommodate the requirements laid out by each individual tutor. Should an academic problem arise, it is incumbent on you to reach out to and work with the tutor to help your student resolve it.
Registering for Classes
- Read the course outline and prerequisites before registering your student for classes. Ask questions or look for opportunities to look over curriculum BEFORE signing up and committing to a class. After the cutoff date in April, we cannot shuffle students to different classes. We guarantee class numbers to our tutors based on the classes that you register for.
- Please purchase all curriculum and materials before August. Be aware: Some classes have reading or writing assignments to be done over the summer in preparation for class.
Orientation Day
- Orientation Day is mandatory for students and parent(s). On Orientation Day, you will receive a syllabus and a Purple Parent Page for each class. Your student should be prepared the first day of class with all of the texts required by the tutor. PURCHASE CURRICULUM EARLY!
- You will be provided with an electronic student and tutor directory at the beginning of the school year. Please save to your computer or device, but do not use this information for business purposes or give out information to others.
At Home Study
- It is your responsibility to help your student manage their time well. They will need help dividing up their work according to the syllabus from the tutor. You should assist your student in gathering all the materials needed for the next week and mapping out their work schedule. Check the syllabus for test dates. Parents are expected to administer any tests that come home, following instructions provided by tutors. We take our honor code seriously and ask that you respect the wishes of the tutor when it comes to closed book test taking. Please keep from allowing students access to notes, answer keys, textbooks and internet access, unless specifically noted in writing by the tutor.
- Assignments should be completed by class time each Monday. Students will follow the syllabus, but tutors may also communicate assignment expectations during class time or on Toolbox. This is very important. A zero will be given for work not turned in on time. If poor or late work becomes an issue, your child will be put on academic probation which may result in dismissal without refund of tuition.
- If your student is struggling in a class or brings a problem with their tutor to your attention, please first contact the tutor directly. If you are unable to resolve the issue together with student and tutor, please then contact a board member so that all parties can meet face to face to seek resolution.
Students and Parents Serving the RTA Community
- Your student will be assigned a weekly chore. Please be sure that they arrive to school in time to do their chore. Our tutorial runs smoothly if we all contribute by doing our part. If your student continually neglects to do their assigned chore, you will be contacted by a board member and asked to pay 5 dollars to the Study Hall Monitor (who will pay the person who actually did the chore).
- Each family commits to serve the RTA community through various volunteer opportunities. Parent Volunteer sign-ups are on orientation day and you will receive a text or phone call reminder as your date of service nears.
Absences/Make-up work
- Please let us know if your child will be missing class. The RTA phone # is supplied on or before orientation and is in the directory. Please do not contact the church office. We ask that you contact us via email or phone about absences.
- After you’ve contacted the office, your student is responsible for contacting the tutor to work out the best way to turn in assignments. Since they’re turning in a whole week’s worth of work, not just one day, it’s important that students continue to turn in work on time even when missing class. Please assist your student with making these arrangements
Please remember to pray for the families and tutors of RTA.