Honor Code

Students/Parents who wish to join RTA will be asked to sign the following Honor Code:

I have read the Student Commitments. I fully understand that this tutorial operates as a 3 way cooperative effort between parent, tutor and student and I agree to uphold my part of this effort and follow all rules while participating in any RTA related activity.

I commit to serving the RTA community well by doing my chore each week and offering help where I see a need.

I will arrive to class on time, in dress code and prepared to fully and actively participate in class.

I will be a productive member of this group. I will be a peacemaker, include others and treat other students with kindness. I will not participate in gossip.

I will accept full responsibility for my schoolwork. I will not make excuses or point fingers if I sometimes fall short.

I commit to put my schoolwork before extracurricular activities, including but not limited to; my job, sports or social opportunities.

I understand that most classes require 4-6 hours a week of homework. I commit to put in the hours required and communicate with my tutors if it takes longer.

I understand and commit to uphold the zero tolerance policy regarding tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, foul language and sex. I will not only practice abstinence from these things, but I will keep my conversations pure and healthy regarding these topics.

I promise to adhere to the highest code of honor personally and academically. I am committed to the honest and sincere pursuit of personal and academic growth. I will not use answer keys, the internet or open textbooks during home tests unless given specific permission to do so by my tutor. I will not copy another student’s work or make my work available to another student seeking to copy my work. I will not plagiarize work from any source.

I understand that violation of part of the RTA handbook may lead to disciplinary action including expulsion with no refund of fees or tuition.


Student Signature / Date

We agree to ensure that our student upholds the RTA honor code in our home. We will monitor daily schoolwork, check grades on Toolbox weekly, administer tests according to tutor’s expectation, and communicate with tutors to work together for the benefit of our student.


Parent 1 Signature / Date


Parent 2 Signature / Date