Absences and Sick Policy

Absences and Make-up work

Due to the nature of our program, there is no way to offer make-up classes following student absences. Students should follow their syllabus and in addition, reach out to their tutors before missing class, and make every effort to have work delivered to the tutor’s mailbox (at the Parent of the Day table) on the Monday they miss. Tutors only have an hour and ten minutes of instruction or review time for an entire week’s worth of lessons. It’s important for students to be present when possible.

Parents, Please let us know if your child will be missing class. The RTA phone # and email are supplied on or before orientation and in every newsletter. Please do not contact the church office. We ask that you contact us directly via email or phone about absences. Absences will not be considered “excused” until the office is contacted by a parent.

After a parent has contacted the office, the student is responsible for contacting the tutor to work out the best way to turn in assignments. Since they’re turning in a whole week’s worth of work, not just one day, it’s important that students continue to turn in work on time even when missing class. Please assist your student with making these arrangements

On the occasion that an assignment is permitted to be turned in late, it will be entered as a zero in the gradebook until the work is turned in by the agreed upon day. This agreed upon date should not extend beyond one week of the absence.

For planned absences, students should communicate with tutors and work ahead to complete assignments so that they may be turned in by the due date. Each tutor varies in the way that they will accept these assignments, please see the class Purple Parent Page or speak directly to the tutor about how this should be accomplished.


If a student is sick, please refrain from returning in-person until symptom and fever-free for 48 hours and see above policy on how to proceed with schoolwork.

If a student begins to display symptoms of sickness during the school day, we will contact the parents and keep them in the office until a parent can come pick them up or gives permission for them to drive home.

If a student has a serious medical condition, please notify the RTA office to provide us with an emergency plan or to help us understand any special needs.