Grammar Pre-Comp

Tutor – Nichole Poe

Course Description

In this junior high-level class, students will study the basics of how the English language works. The course will build upon prior knowledge of grammar, sentence structure, mechanics, punctuation, and usage. Students will also learn to express their ideas in a variety of activities and assignments, including pre-writing skills, opinion, persuasion, exposition, description, narration, and even poetry. We will read two books together as a class to gain experience in responding critically to literature. The goal of the course is that students will be able to identify and use the elements of English while building confidence in their writing!

Required Text

More info coming soon!

Title: Easy Grammar Plus Workbook
By: Wanda Phillips
ISBN: 0936981147
ISBN-13: 9780936981147

Title: Easy Grammar Plus Test book
By: Wanda Phillips
ISBN: 0936981536
ISBN-13:  9780936981536

Title: Jump In, 2nd Edition: Middle School Composition
By: Sharon Watson
Publisher:  Independently published (March 30, 2019)
ISBN-13: 978-1090432421
ISBN-10: 1090432429
Available online from Amazon, Rainbow Resource, and

Title: Number the Stars
By: Lois Lowry 
Available from, Amazon or any other bookseller (may also be found at the library, in e-reader format, or from used bookstores). This exact version is not required; this is just one option.        ISBN-10: 0547577095
ISBN-13:  978-0547577098

Title: Prince Caspian
By: C.S. Lewis 
Available from, Amazon, or any other bookseller (may also be found at the library, in e-reader format, or from used bookstores). This exact version is not required; this is just one option.
ISBN-10: 0064471055
ISBN-13: 978-0064471053

Prerequisites / Grade Levels

Basic knowledge of grammar & writing skills.

Difficulty Level

This class is appropriate for 7th-8th grades and is at an “average” to “above average” difficulty level. Average study time for this class will be approximately  2-3 hours per week, depending on the skill of the student. 

Additional Materials Needed for Class

Notebook/binder to keep materials organized

Pen or pencil

Notebook paper