Tutor – Rachel Rutherford
Math classes in this tutorial environment require a daily commitment from both parent and student. We will meet for instruction during our Monday class and go over lessons for the week. Day to day work is done at home under parental supervision. The tutor is available throughout the week to help as needed.
There will be a quiz at the beginning of each class. Most tests will be proctored by a parent, completed at home and turned in the following week to be graded. Mid-term and final exams are given in class.
Algebra at RTA with a minimum “B” grade or Pre-test taken at RTA with a minimum 80%.
This class is recommended for an accelerated 9th grader or any 10th-12th grader who meets the requirements.
The difficulty level of this class is “average”. Average study time for this class will be approximately 5 hours per week. This does not include in-class time.
Graph paper
Drawing compass
Calculator (not a phone)
patience, determination and a willingness to try hard things