Family and Consumer Science (Home Ec)

Tutor – Samantha Davis

Course Description

Welcome to the wonderful world of adulting! This Family & Consumer Science class will
prepare students with a variety of life skills needed for everyday living. This class will take an
interdisciplinary approach and focus on hands-on experiences where students will learn to be
wise consumers of family resources, while integrating math, science, and problem-solving skills
along the way. Our year will begin with a step back in time creating a family tree, as we are introduced to the field of Family Relationships. We will take a basic dive into Child Development, as we learn about developmentally appropriate practices for young children and the basic skills needed to engage and work with children. If cooking is what your student is
interested in, they will enjoy our journey into the field of nutrition as we learn about food safety
and preparation and put our culinary skills to the test in the kitchen. Along the way we will learn
to work as a team as we create family meal plans and learn how to stay within a budget. We will
get our hands dirty as we delve into basic home and auto maintenance skills, like unclogging a
sink drain, checking your oil, and repairing drywall. We will cover textiles with the basic sewing
skills need to sew a patch on a uniform, replace a button or mend clothing. The culmination of
our year will be a woodworking project completed by each student.

Required Text

There is no textbook for this class as most of our time will be spent in hands-on activities.

Prerequisites / Grade Levels

All grade levels are welcome to take this class

Difficulty Level

This class is at an “average” difficulty level

Additional Materials Needed for Class

There are no additional materials to purchase for this class. A $75 “Materials Fee” will be due on Registration Day that will cover the materials used in the classroom.