Tutor – Jenny King
This class will lead students to proficiency using various computer applications (including web browsing, how to type, internet resource citation, software management and Microsoft Office tools). The course will benefit students who do not have much experience with computers and students who are fairly advanced in their knowledge. Students will learn to format documents in Microsoft Word, use Excel to create spreadsheets, loan amortization schedules and other analytical workbooks, and will create presentations in PowerPoint and other applications. Students will also build their own webpages with web design software (provided) and learn basic coding language. To keep things engaging and creative, each student will create a mock business and use these computer skills and tools to produce pieces of a sample business plan from brochures and spreadsheets to a website and a final slide presentation. When finished, the student will have major components of a substantial portfolio piece almost complete.
Comp I and Algebra I
Recommended for Grades 10-12
This class is at an “above average” difficulty level. Average study time for this class will be approximately 5 hours per week.
Each student is required to bring a laptop with Microsoft Office to class with them. Microsoft Office 2010 or newer is preferred, however, an older version is acceptable. Students may use a Mac as long as they are still using the Microsoft Office Suite available for Macs.