Tutor – Kristi Tiller
This course provides a continuation of the writing experiences from Comp I. The process will include studying the writing styles of various authors as well as adding to our repertoire of skills. Grammar will be reviewed, and vocabulary will be a consistent activity. Weekly studies will vary in order to provide a wide scope of writing opportunities. Students will also begin broadening their analytical skills to include more in-depth essays in addition to real-world application, such as composing a business letter and writing a résumé. We close the year with a longer research paper to help prepare students for academically-focused writing.
The writing textbook for this class will be available on Orientation Day for yearly
rental: $5 (or for purchase: $7). While there are newer versions of this textbook,
this one has all of the information needed and is much more affordable.
Title: The Writer’s World : Paragraphs and Essays
Publisher: Pearson Education
Publication Date: 2010
Edition: 3 Edition
The following texts should be purchased on your own:
Title: MLA Handbook, 9th Edition,
By: Modern Language Association of America
ISBN-13: 978-1603293518
ISBN-10: 1603293515
May be found on Amazon.com or at any bookstore
Title: Fix It! Grammar: Level 6 The Little Mermaid (Student Book)
Publisher: Institute for Excellence in Writing
ISBN-10: 9781623413675
Edition/Printing: Fourth Edition, January 2022
Available from christianbook.com or iew.com *Please be sure to purchase this exact edition as the books have been revised*
Title: The Elements of Style: Classic Edition (2018): With Editor’s Notes, New Chapters & Study Guide
Publisher: Spectrum Ink (July 23, 2018)
ISBN-10: 1643990004
ISBN-13: 978-1643990002
Available from amazon.com (kindle version is fine to use), also available from abebooks.com, other online booksellers, or McKay Used Bookstore
Completion of Comp I or course equivalent at RTA or submission of a writing sample.
Recommended for 10th-12th Grades
Required summer reading: The Elements of Style: Classic Edition (2018): with editor’s notes, New chapters and Study Guide
This class is appropriate for 10th-12th grades and is at an “average” to “above average” difficulty level. Average study time for this class will be approximately 2-3 hours per week, depending on the skill of the student.
Notebook/binder to keep materials organized
Pen or pencil
Notebook paper
Access to a working printer at home