Tutor – Nichole Poe
College and Career Preparation exists to prepare students for graduation, college, and career and all the systems that go along with that. This course includes a required job shadowing experience to explore and identify potential career paths. Additionally, students will be required to attend at least one college fair and participate in a college visit.
Topics Covered:
Professionalism in Communication
Identifying your transferable skills
Outcomes-based collegiate or career planning
Building critical and integrative thinking into future planning
The College process from Admission to Graduation
Personality Assessments
Analysis of Future Career Options
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
What Color is your Parachute for Teens (4th edition)
Author: Carol Christen
ISBN: 978-1984858627
The Truth about College Admission
Authors: Brennan Barnard & Rick Clark
ISBN: 978-1421447483
Students must be willing to engage in job shadowing, along with college visits and college
fairs. Above Freshman level
This course will be at an “average” difficulty level