Our tutors follow a 32 week calendar with lesson plans and curriculum that create the backbone of each course. Objective work (daily homework) is checked at home under the supervision of the parents. This requires that parents buy student texts and tutor’s texts/keys for some classes. Students should not have access to answer keys. The keys are purchased to allow parents to track along with tutors in teaching the material. Classes that meet for one hour once a week can not satisfy academic credit or provide decent instruction unless the parents and students work together to complete what is required outside of class.
Our tutorial has adopted the model of a 3-legged stool. Each leg (parent, tutor and student) is essential to the purpose of the stool (tutorial). This three way partnership is the key to the academic success of each student member of this tutorial. Without any one of the three, the stool cannot stand.
Our 32 week calendar begins in August and ends in May.
Tuition for most classes is $400 for the entire year. Copy fees are $25 per class. For classes with labs, there will be a $40 lab fee. Full payment for tuition will be due on Registration Day in May. Families who need a payment plan can be accommodated, but we must have post-dated checks and a written contract for payment. Families are responsible for the purchase of all curriculum listed on the website for each class before orientation in August.
We require enrollment in at least 2 classes per student and a year-long commitment. Tuition and fees are non-refundable. We hire tutors for a full year and must be able to guarantee their salaries.
We are thankful for our families, board and tutors who work hand in hand to educate and equip the younger generation!