Student Commitments

At RTA, we have rules in place that protect our community and provide a space conducive to learning and healthy friendships. We ask that you carefully consider these expectations before committing to be a part of this community. Your Tutors and Board are here to serve you. Please let any board member know if you, as a student, have any questions or concerns. RTA rules and dress code should be followed, not only during Monday and Thursday classes, but at all RTA events.


  • Be courteous, helpful and respectful to tutors and fellow students
  • Welcome others warmly.  Be aware and careful not to exclude others. Avoid gossip.
  • Serve your RTA community with a good attitude.
  • Please be respectful of personal space/physical boundaries. NO PDA!

Physical Boundaries

  • Please stay within designated classrooms and hallways for our tutorial. No wandering the building.
  • No student should ever be alone at RTA with a member of the opposite sex.
  • Please do not enter church offices or disturb church staff.
  • Use only restrooms/water fountains in designated areas.
  • Weather permitting, lunch can be eaten outside under the pavilion.

Dress Code

  • See Dress code here. Follow all dress code guidelines. 
  • Students who arrive at RTA dressed inappropriately will be sent to Study Hall, may be asked to wear a cover garment (at the discretion of any RTA Tutor or Board Member) and parents will be contacted.

Cell Phones

Cell phones are allowed on campus but must be turned off and put away. We discuss this in every interview and it is enforced. Cell phones provide access to search engines, emails, videos, Facetime, social media…and we do not allow their use during our limited time at RTA (not even during Study Hall or Lunch).
If a student needs to communicate with a parent while at RTA, he/she may come to the RTA office to make the call. If a parent needs to reach a student while at RTA, please call or text a board member (their numbers are listed in your directory). 


Students may eat lunch in the study hall room or outside in the pavilion (supervised by Volunteer Parent of the day). Please be considerate and clean your lunch area when you are finished eating. Students may not leave campus, or eat in cars, the parking lot or any other classrooms. 

Student Drivers

Students who drive may never transport another student from campus without formal written permission from all parents involved.  Fill out Driving Permission Form here. Students must have a note signed by parents if they plan to leave during the day and return for later classes.


Tobacco, Alcohol, Vaping or Weapons in any form are NEVER allowed on campus.

Classroom Behavior

  • Students should come to class on time and prepared with all materials and texts required.
  • Assignments should be ready to hand in on time. Late work is not accepted at RTA.
  • Students should engage in the classroom environment, asking questions and participating in classroom discussion as appropriate.
  • Students should NEVER speak disrespectfully to a tutor or another student.
  • Students should feel free reach out to tutors as needed throughout the week as they’re working on assignments. Questions about work should not be saved for Mondays as that is precious instruction time. Students who do not seek help from tutors throughout the week often fall behind other students. COMMUNICATION WITH TUTORS IS KEY! Remember the tutors are here to serve you. Each tutor has different expectations, so be respectful and always refer to the Purple Parent Page to determine appropriate times and ways to communicate with your tutors throughout the week.


If a student misses 3 days in the first semester (the first two quarters), he/she will be referred to the RTA Board to determine whether the student may return to class.

 If a student is missing class repeatedly (more than just occasionally) due to illness, parents should contact the RTA Board to discuss options. Students should be in class, in person. Repeated absences can become such a hindrance to the tutor that dismissal from the class may be necessary.

If a student misses class, the student should reach out to the tutor prior to class time to arrange the best way to turn in assignments. Assignment due dates remain the same even for students who are not in class. Late work will not be accepted from a student unless contacted prior to class by a parent having a reasonable excuse. Make-up work will not be accepted more than a week after an absence. Should late work become a problem with any student, parents will be contacted. Should there be no improvement, the student will be referred to the RTA Board for academic probation. If the problem remains, this will result in dismissal without refund of tuition.


RTA is a community that wouldn’t exist without efforts from each family who participates. Our student and parent volunteers allow us to continue to meet each week. Students will be assigned a chore at the beginning of the year. Students with morning chores will be required to arrive between 8:00 and 8:15 to perform their chore and get to class on time. If a student repeatedly fails to do their chore, he/she will need to bring $5 for each missed chore to give to the student that performs the chore in their place.


Students, we are all here because we believe in you. Your tutors and board care about you! Please don’t hesitate to ask for a personal meeting with any of us. We want to be attentive to your needs and we understand that what you have to say is important.