Tutor – Julie Snow
Consumer mathematics addresses the application of mathematical principles to everyday life. The
curriculum encompasses topics such as budgeting, banking, taxation, purchasing homes and
vehicles, and planning vacations. It emphasizes math used in real-world applications and critical
thinking. As students transition from school to adulthood, they are faced with the responsibility of
managing their own finances. This class primarily focuses on personal finance management,
including comprehending credit card charges, completing income tax forms, understanding loan and
saving interest, and creating budgets. Each section is designed to prepare students to make practical
and prudent financial decisions. **Please consult with your umbrella school if you plan to count
this course as a math credit.
Title: Consumer Math 3rd edition BJU Press Student Text
ISBN: 978-1-62856-641-3
This class is at an “average” difficulty level.
Students will need a basic calculator with the following key functions (Example: TI-30XS but there are other brands that will work as well as more advanced calculators):