American Sign Language II (ASL2) –

Tutor – Ashley Sebestyen

Course Description

This class is a continuation of ASL I. Throughout the year, students will continue to build upon vocabulary, phrases, more complex sentences, and grammatical structure. We will build on expressive, receptive, comprehension, translation, and basic storytelling skills. Students will also continue to learn about Deaf culture and the deaf community through in-class discussions and assigned readings. We will utilize quizzes, tests, presentations, group practice, and games to enhance learning. During some classes, we will have short periods where we “turn our voices off” in order to fully immerse into the language. Upon completion of this class, students will be able to hold conversations in sign at an intermediate level, translate sentences from ASL to English and English to ASL, and will have a deeper knowledge of Deaf culture.

Required Text

Title: Barron’s American Sign Language: A Comprehensive Guide to ASL 1 and 2 with Online Video Practice
Authors: David A. Stewart, Ed.D and Jennifer Stewart, M.S.Ed. 
ISBN: 9781506263823
Publisher: Kaplan, Inc., d/b/a Barron’s Educational Series 
(Available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble)

Prerequisites / Grade Levels

Recommended for grades 10th-12th

Difficulty Level

The difficulty level of this class is “average” to “above average”, depending on the student’s ability and willingness to continue to pick up the language. Average study time for this class will be approximately 4-5 hours per week.

Additional Materials Needed for Class

3 ring binder
Notebook paper
Computer/device at home in order to access online ASL dictionaries and resources
Note to Parents: parents are responsible for overseeing any online searches/research their student may do on the internet throughout this class. RTA has no way of controlling or monitoring a student’s internet usage.